Lifestyle Organizing – A New Way to Think

January, for most people, is the time of year that sparks the fire for change…

While it may be called “New Year`s Resolutions”; full of hope, anticipation, and excitement that our lives will be forever changed-it is anything but that. Usually, the momentum fades in a month or two. For some, all their dreams and goals will have to wait until the next New Year comes around to try again. Others will wonder why they failed (yet again) and may give it another try by approaching their goals the same way and not seeing real change.

What if you changed the way you think about CHANGE in your life? What if you set goals and a plan for life change that you could implement NOT just in January, but all year long and succeed?

Definition of Lifestyle Organizing

Lifestyle Organizing is a progressive plan of organizing your mind, home, and life around who you are and the way you live or want to live.

It is a road map of your life which means you follow a path to reach your goals. The destinations on your map are momentary in the big picture of your life and should be viewed accordingly. This means once you reach a destination (goal), you move on to the next one. Can you be working on more than one goal at a time? Absolutely! However, you must be realistic; just like any goal or dream, it will require some work. This is a life-long process. It requires patience, and a steadfast mind and heart-but the benefits and rewards you will reap will amaze you.

Don`t worry about being perfect. Strive for the overall result. Allow yourself to mess up. Live and learn is a great motto!

Is this starting to sound different than New Year`s Resolutions?

The difference between New Year`s Resolutions and Lifestyle Organizing

1. New Year`s Resolutions are too commercialized. It`s all hype; everyone (just about) makes them…jump on board, it`s the thing to do, and the pressure builds so you sputter out your big goals for the year. Contrast that to Lifestyle Organizing, which is a very personal decision about you and the changes you want to make. These changes/goals are Unique to You and are intentional.

2. With New Year`s Resolutions, the excitement is temporary. Whereas with Lifestyle Organizing, the excitement is lasting and momentum builds as each goal is reached giving you peace and joy.

3. New Year`s Resolutions are usually made “off the cuff”–meaning that no real thought, examination or careful realistic planning went into stating your goals for the year. (Some people do want real change but feel that their goals are too big and get discouraged.) Compare this with Lifestyle Organizing, which is a state of resolve. It is a well thought-out process of examining your life and making a realistic plan with achievable goals. There is Hope. Maintaining a positive attitude and celebrating even the smallest of goals accomplished is a must. YOU CAN DO IT!

Topics covered in this series

Over the next few weeks, I will discuss several topics that I hope will inspire the change you are looking for in 2010.

Here`s a list of topics for this Lifestyle Organizing series:

  • Guidelines for Lifestyle Organizing
  • Discovering Your “Life” Style
  • Discovering Your Challenges
  • The Plan: Putting It All Together

Note: I know there are people that make New Year`s Resolutions and do quite well with accomplishing the goals they set for themselves. If you are one of the exceptions, then right now you are beginning another year of success! Congratulations!

Until next time…Happy Organizing!

Video Search Marketing: Does Your Video Deserve To Be On Search Engines First Page?

Video search marketing is a powerful tool for your video efforts. Being on Google or Yahoo first page means an endless stream of traffic to your video. But as long as everybody wants to be on the first positions, how can you make sure your video is worth to be there?

Video search marketing is easy if you follow some simple steps. Find out if your videos deserve a first page rank by answering this simple 5-Question Quiz:

Video Search Marketing- Question 1: Does your video use keywords?

In video search marketing, keywords are very important. Keywords are the words or expressions that people use to find information in search engines. They refer to the main need or want that your audience longs for. As videos can be indexed by search engines, it is first need to have them in your video.

Video search marketing requires a special use of keywords. There are three places where they must be: the title, the description of your video, the file name and URL.

Question 2: Do your videos have creative, compelling content?

In video search marketing, content is very important. People look for content online. If your videos are informative and interesting they generate a buzz and they receive more traffic. If you offer relevant and meaningful content you will be king on the hill and your audience will wait for your videos to be released.

In order to be able to offer such an interesting content, you must get to know your audience very well. Dig deep into their needs and problems and supply them a solution. Find out what they like, maybe interviews with experts in your industry, learning tutorials, commercials.

Video search marketing allows you to engage your audience in multiple ways.

Question 3: Do you have a marketing plan for your videos?

Video search marketing works much better as part of a marketing plan. Once you make your video, people must know it’s online. You can submit it to different video communities and well ranked websites and blogs.

Video search marketing will drive more traffic to your website if your plan integrates different elements. You need a plan to turn traffic into sales.

  • First thing you need is an optimized video online.
  • The video must have a call to action that drives your visitors to your website.
  • Your website must have an opt-in form to capture your prospects information, name and email is fine.

Question 4: Do you drive your traffic to your site?

Your online videos are meant to drive traffic to your site. There you can turn this traffic into prospects and clients. It is up to you to decide where to drive your traffic to maximize your efforts:

  • You can drive traffic to your website. There, people may know you more, like you and trust you. It is advisable to have an opt-in form to build your list of prospects, otherwise it is lost traffic.
  • A Facebook page. They are the right place in Facebook to do business. You can drive your traffic to your page and there you can have an opt-in form too. Besides, you can engage to visit you over and over again and build a relationship with them.
  • Your blog. If you have an active blog, it is a good place to take your visitors. Once there, you can show your expertise in your industry and be seen as an expert.
  • A business page in a directory. Your visitors are going to know more about your business and how well it relates to their needs.

Question 5: Do you track every step in your video marketing efforts?

Video search marketing requires tracking. It is essential in any business. It is very important for you to know how your videos are ranked by search engines, how many people visit them, which ones drive more traffic, which sites convert more your traffic into prospects, and so on.

If you don’t know your results, you won’t be able to improve them. Once you know where your traffic comes from, which site works best, etc, you can multiply them to increase your revenue and leave out the one which don’t work very well.

Video search marketing increases productivity and reduces costs for business owners who want to remove waste from their businesses. Now you can discover value-added strategies that will improve your video search marketing productivity and will increase value to your business. Go to

Highlight Your Work Experience in Order to Make Your CV Shine

If you are searching for a job right now then the chances are you have recently written up the latest version of your CV. This important document is requested by most employers before they have ever had the chance to meet you face-to-face. It is your door opener; an introduction to you and a showcase of your talents. Writing a good CV can be tricky, and if your educational qualifications are lacking then you can find it even harder. So what should you do if you have few qualifications?Focus on the Positives!Qualifications are great if you have them. But if don’t get too hung up on achievements that you may have missed. If you left school at 16 with and went straight into the world of work then don’t feel intimidated by competing applicants who may have studied for A’ Levels or even University Degrees. Instead, look at the fact that you actually have more years work experience under your belt than they have. After all, whilst they were sat studying you were in the “real world” of work, gaining practical, hands on experience.Previous work experience is something you should really focus on when writing your CV. Priorities this section and keep it near the very top of the document. Remember, there is no set format for which you should write your CV. People often believe that it should be structured with personal details at the top, qualifications second, work experience third and personal interests last. This is of course not true. To make the CV really work you want to catch the potential employers attention early. So any important work experience you have already gained should be right near the top of the document.Remember, that as people progress through their careers it is employment experience that moves them on. Senior Managers who have progressed through an organisation will not have done so by passing a test. It will be their experience and achievements that have allowed them to gain promotion, more responsibility and ultimately a higher salary.So, if you are concerned by your lack of qualifications then don’t be. Focus on the position you are applying for and use your CV to show what experience you already have under your belt that will make you a suitable candidate for the role. Actions sometimes really do speak louder than words!