Lifestyle Organizing – A New Way to Think

January, for most people, is the time of year that sparks the fire for change…

While it may be called “New Year`s Resolutions”; full of hope, anticipation, and excitement that our lives will be forever changed-it is anything but that. Usually, the momentum fades in a month or two. For some, all their dreams and goals will have to wait until the next New Year comes around to try again. Others will wonder why they failed (yet again) and may give it another try by approaching their goals the same way and not seeing real change.

What if you changed the way you think about CHANGE in your life? What if you set goals and a plan for life change that you could implement NOT just in January, but all year long and succeed?

Definition of Lifestyle Organizing

Lifestyle Organizing is a progressive plan of organizing your mind, home, and life around who you are and the way you live or want to live.

It is a road map of your life which means you follow a path to reach your goals. The destinations on your map are momentary in the big picture of your life and should be viewed accordingly. This means once you reach a destination (goal), you move on to the next one. Can you be working on more than one goal at a time? Absolutely! However, you must be realistic; just like any goal or dream, it will require some work. This is a life-long process. It requires patience, and a steadfast mind and heart-but the benefits and rewards you will reap will amaze you.

Don`t worry about being perfect. Strive for the overall result. Allow yourself to mess up. Live and learn is a great motto!

Is this starting to sound different than New Year`s Resolutions?

The difference between New Year`s Resolutions and Lifestyle Organizing

1. New Year`s Resolutions are too commercialized. It`s all hype; everyone (just about) makes them…jump on board, it`s the thing to do, and the pressure builds so you sputter out your big goals for the year. Contrast that to Lifestyle Organizing, which is a very personal decision about you and the changes you want to make. These changes/goals are Unique to You and are intentional.

2. With New Year`s Resolutions, the excitement is temporary. Whereas with Lifestyle Organizing, the excitement is lasting and momentum builds as each goal is reached giving you peace and joy.

3. New Year`s Resolutions are usually made “off the cuff”–meaning that no real thought, examination or careful realistic planning went into stating your goals for the year. (Some people do want real change but feel that their goals are too big and get discouraged.) Compare this with Lifestyle Organizing, which is a state of resolve. It is a well thought-out process of examining your life and making a realistic plan with achievable goals. There is Hope. Maintaining a positive attitude and celebrating even the smallest of goals accomplished is a must. YOU CAN DO IT!

Topics covered in this series

Over the next few weeks, I will discuss several topics that I hope will inspire the change you are looking for in 2010.

Here`s a list of topics for this Lifestyle Organizing series:

  • Guidelines for Lifestyle Organizing
  • Discovering Your “Life” Style
  • Discovering Your Challenges
  • The Plan: Putting It All Together

Note: I know there are people that make New Year`s Resolutions and do quite well with accomplishing the goals they set for themselves. If you are one of the exceptions, then right now you are beginning another year of success! Congratulations!

Until next time…Happy Organizing!

Photography Information About Street Photography

Now I have some photography information that is about street photography. What is street photography? I can tell you that it is not about taken pictures of the streets. Actually street photography has nothing to do with the street. This just a term that stuck with people.It would be better to describe street photography as moment photography, photos that are taken in the moment without any prep. You could also describe it as social photography, the way that people interact with others. It is about our human society,shared moments, and our environments. It is photos of people in their own habitat.Different photographers will focus on different things. Some street photographers try to capture funny moments and others will capture people. You can take pictures of the daily lives of people. This can be from the homeless person all the way up to high society. The main thing here is that you can shoot what you want.You will want to try and capture real everyday life. You can shoot people in public places that they go to every day. This can be the parking lot or your local store and the people that work in the store. Take shots of people using the subway or on the freeway. These type of images make for some great street photography.As a street photographer you will need to pay attention to detail. You want to pay attention to scenes, moments that you may only recognize subconsciously. Use the camera as an extension of your eye and capture the images that you feel. You want to capture people when they are involved in what they are doing and not paying attention to you.Street photography is deceptively simple in it’s definition yet it is complex in nature. Street photography has provided some of the strongest practical purposes in photography. A lot of documentation work of lifestyles and living conditions of different societies were accomplished though street photography.So now that you have this photography information about street photography you can grab your camera, hit the streets and capture life as it is.

Redefining Education for Global Opportunities

Addressing resistance to change
Why don’t we get the best out of people? It’s because we’ve been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. Students with restless minds and bodies – far from being cultivated for their energy and curiosity – are ignored or even stigmatized, with terrible consequences.

Children should be encouraged to answer boldly and not be afraid of being wrong, because if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original. If you’re not prepared to be wrong, by the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong.

Our education system is outdated and is based on a hierarchy wherein most useful subjects for a job are considered to be the most important and academic ability, which has really come to dominate our view of intelligence because the universities designed the system in their image. The modern educational system vastly underestimates the power of the human imagination.

More people, which highlights the importance of two points that need to be focused on- technology and its transformation effect on work. Suddenly, degrees are no guarantee for attaining a job. You need an MA where the previous job required a BA, and now you need a PhD for the other. It’s a process of academic inflation. It indicates the whole structure of education is shifting beneath our feet. We need to radically rethink our view of intelligence. Our education system has mined our minds in the way that we strip-mine the earth, for a particular commodity, and for the future, it won’t serve us.

The honest truth is that no-one really likes change because it involves moving from a position of comfort and stepping into place which is unknown. As spectators we like to sit on the fence and applaud good ideas but refuse to change ourselves. Instead we think we can ride it out and somehow it won’t affect us. We like to argue and always focus on the negatives, pushing for decisions to be made and then criticising them. We tend to see change as an opportunity to learn and grow.

We have all experienced behaviour like this ourselves, it’s a natural human reaction. It’s a little easier to see it in others than ourselves but never the less, once you can recognise it, you can change it.

Governmental agencies and organizations that support and promote quality education for all children must move beyond traditional models to help children develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are relevant to their lives and that can lift them out of poverty. Mastery of the basic primary school curriculum is not the best means for improving life chances and alleviating poverty in developing countries, that model is broken. It is time to seek out the interventions that lead to the greatest social and economic impact for the poor.

The 21st century will require knowledge generation, not just information delivery, and schools will need to create a “culture of inquiry”. In the past a learner was a young person who went to school, spent a specified amount of time in certain courses, received passing grades and graduated. Today we must see learners in a new context:

First – we must maintain student interest by helping them see how what they are learning prepares them for life in the real world.
Second – we must instill curiosity, which is fundamental to lifelong learning.
Third – we must be flexible in how we teach.
Fourth – we must excite learners to become even more resourceful so that they will continue to learn outside the formal school day.

The classroom is expanded to include the greater community. Students are self-directed, and work both independently and interdependently. The curriculum and instruction are designed to challenge all students, and provides for differentiation.

The curriculum is not textbook-driven or fragmented, but is thematic, project-based and integrated. Skills and content are not taught as an end in themselves, but students learn them through their research and application in their projects. Textbooks, if they have them, are just one of many resources.

Knowledge is not memorization of facts and figures, but is constructed through research and application, and connected to previous knowledge, personal experience, interests, talents and passions. The skills and content become relevant and needed as students require this information to complete their projects. The content and basic skills are applied within the context of the curriculum, and are not ends in themselves.

Assessment moves from regurgitation of memorized facts and disconnected processes to demonstration of understanding through application in a variety of contexts. Real-world audiences are an important part of the assessment process, as is self-assessment.

My thoughts are that in order to create change in education all stakeholders must be on board. One of the main obstacles as I see it is the enormous resistance to change among educators, policy makers, industry leaders, parents, and even many students. There have been many movements to create change in our educational system, all fraught with conflict. Some of the current efforts are trying to create change without actually changing – they are trying to take attributes of the 21st century and force fit them into the 19th and 20th century ways of designing and delivering education. It won’t work!

We must realize, and our students must understand, that we cannot move toward a vision of the future until we understand the socio-historical context of where we are now. Where are we? What events led us to be where we are? How can this inform our development of a vision for the future and how we want to get there?

A clear articulation of the purpose of education for the 21st century is the place to begin. Creating a vision of where we want to go requires us to ask the question – why? What is the purpose of education? What do we need to do to accomplish that purpose?

I believe that when many parents and educators are introduced to the paradigm of education in the 21st century that it is so foreign to them that they automatically reject it – automatically and angrily! We are attempting to create a huge change in our society. Our task is to change the way people think about education. I think about previous efforts to create change across our entire society. Many movements have grown and succeeded in creating change in how people think.

Phases in the management of resistance to change

PHASE 1: Determine the preparedness and receptiveness for change. Preparedness and receptiveness are determined by the existence of a culture for change and how change has been managed in the past.

PHASE 2: Identify the sources of resistance. Sources can be classified as individual, formal groups or resistance coalitions.

PHASE 3: Determine the nature of resistance. Three categories can be distinguished: passive, active and aggressive resistance.

PHASE 4: Diagnose the reasons for resistance. Reasons include manifestations that are based on the individual, social structure or the environment (culture).

PHASE 5: Select, develop and implement specific resistance management strategies aimed at each separate source of resistance. Strategies include: negotiation, co-option, provision of information, training, convincing and awarding.

PHASE 6: Evaluate the successfulness of the attempt to manage resistance to change. If the attempt is successful, manage it, if unsuccessful, return to Phase 1.

Phase 1: Determine the preparedness and receptiveness for change
The level of preparedness and receptiveness of the school for change depends on a number of factors. They are the history of change and change management practices used in the school; the degree with which staff is aware of the reasons for change and whether they understand and accept it; the degree in which change reconciles with aims, objectives and practices in the school; and the degree in which the school encourages and supports creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Phase 2: Identify the sources of resistance
Even if a school is diagnosed as being prepared and receptive for change, some kind of resistance will still exist. It is therefore important to identify the factors influencing resistance to change, such as a lack of communication and information, a lack of support, “senseless” change, power struggles and increase in workload.

Phase 3: Determine the nature of resistance
The nature of resistance depends on the particular culture of a school. It could take the form of passive resistance, active resistance or aggressive resistance.

Phase 4: Diagnose the reasons for resistance
The reasons for resistance to change occur on three levels, namely the individual, social and environmental level.

Phase 5: Select, develop and implement specific resistance
Management strategies aimed at each separate source of resistance only when the sources, reasons and nature of resistance are known, decisions on strategies to manage change can be made. The following strategies may be used: education and communication; participation, facilitation, manipulation and force; change in the nature of reward for co-operation; the design of co ownership by means of participative management; and the phasing out of previous customs, practices and objectives and the learning of new ones that can serve change.

Phase 6: Evaluate the successfulness of the attempt to manage Resistance to change
There are certain criteria that can be used to determine the success of management intervention of resistance to change. School-based management is therefore not a fad or a cosmetic change, but an enduring phenomenon whereby each school may renew its management and its members in a responsible way.

Moral purpose, defined as making a difference in the lives of students, is a crucial motivator for addressing in the lives of students, is a critical motivator for addressing the sustained task of complex reform. Passion and higher order purpose are required because the effort needed is gargantuan and must be worth doing.

Moral purpose will not add up if left at the individual level.

Reducing the gap between high and low performers at all levels (classroom, school, district, state) is the key to system breakthroughs.

Focussing on gap reduction is the moral responsibility of all educators. They must then understand the bigger picture and reach out beyond themselves to work with others.

Ultimately, a tri-level solution will be necessary (school district state).

Reducing the gap in educational attainment is part and parcel of societal development in which greater social cohesion, developmental health and economic performance are at stake.

Mobilising the untapped moral purpose of the public in alliance with governments and educators is one of the greatest alliances to the cause that we could make.

Adaptive change stimulates resistance because it challenges people’s habits, beliefs, and values. It asks them to take a loss, experience uncertainty, and even express disloyalty to people and cultures. Because adaptive change asks people to question and perhaps refine aspects of their identity, it also challenges their sense of competence. That’s a lot to ask. No wonder people resist.