Highlight Your Work Experience in Order to Make Your CV Shine

If you are searching for a job right now then the chances are you have recently written up the latest version of your CV. This important document is requested by most employers before they have ever had the chance to meet you face-to-face. It is your door opener; an introduction to you and a showcase of your talents. Writing a good CV can be tricky, and if your educational qualifications are lacking then you can find it even harder. So what should you do if you have few qualifications?Focus on the Positives!Qualifications are great if you have them. But if don’t get too hung up on achievements that you may have missed. If you left school at 16 with and went straight into the world of work then don’t feel intimidated by competing applicants who may have studied for A’ Levels or even University Degrees. Instead, look at the fact that you actually have more years work experience under your belt than they have. After all, whilst they were sat studying you were in the “real world” of work, gaining practical, hands on experience.Previous work experience is something you should really focus on when writing your CV. Priorities this section and keep it near the very top of the document. Remember, there is no set format for which you should write your CV. People often believe that it should be structured with personal details at the top, qualifications second, work experience third and personal interests last. This is of course not true. To make the CV really work you want to catch the potential employers attention early. So any important work experience you have already gained should be right near the top of the document.Remember, that as people progress through their careers it is employment experience that moves them on. Senior Managers who have progressed through an organisation will not have done so by passing a test. It will be their experience and achievements that have allowed them to gain promotion, more responsibility and ultimately a higher salary.So, if you are concerned by your lack of qualifications then don’t be. Focus on the position you are applying for and use your CV to show what experience you already have under your belt that will make you a suitable candidate for the role. Actions sometimes really do speak louder than words!